Activities for Children

Are you looking for different ways to help your kid with their gross motor skills? Today we have movement activities for children that are so much fun and are a great way to promote physical development.
There’s no better way to promote physical activity than with a movement activity that is also lots of fun.
Movement games are an essential part of a child’s development as they help different areas of life, such as:
• hand-eye coordination
• emotional development and social skills
• important gross motor skills
• fine motor skills
• That’s why today we have lots of fun activities for all ages, including young children in preschool years and older kids too. We also included a mix of exciting outdoor play and easy indoor movement activities.
• These gross motor activities will provide many creative ideas that you can adapt to your kids’ skills or environment, so don’t worry if you don’t have all the supplies or check every box.
• Let’s get started!
We've gathered 50 awesome ideas for things to do while stuck inside. Write each one on a small strip of paper, add them to a jar, then enlist every family member to help pick one to do whenever you need a boost of inspiration.
1. Say hello! Make tin-can or paper-cup string telephones.
2. Design a family crest using meaningful images and symbols.
3. Hold a Hula-hoop contest.
4. Make sock puppets.
5. Craft cootie catchers.
6. Tie-dye coffee filters with food coloring and hang them in a window like stained glass.
7. Empty a matchbox and take turns filling it with lots of tiny objects.
8. Play archaeologist. Bury "fossils" (plastic dinosaurs) in the sandbox and excavate.
9. Finger paint!
10. List what you'd bring if you had to live on a desert island.
11. Dream up a make-believe animal and describe it. Bonus: Draw it!
12. Draw something using only the letters in your name.
13. Build a hallway tent with a sheet and a tension rod.
14. Go fishing—indoors—with paper fish with paper clips attached. Use a rod with a magnet on the end of the string.
15. Listen to audiobooks for kids.
16. Fly a kite.
17. Host an indoor picnic.
18. Start a long-jump contest.
19. Use moss, twigs, and rocks to create a terrarium.
20. Sketch a shape and challenge your child to finish the drawing.
21. Put together your own puzzle by cutting up photos or postcards.
22. Roll out Bubble Wrap, tape it down, and jump and play.
23. See who can build the highest block tower.
24. Put on blindfolds and do a taste test of different random foods.
25. Lie down and get up without using your arms.
26. Mix 6 cups water + 2 cups dishwashing soap + 1 cup light corn syrup = big bubbles.
27. Put on a concert and record it.
28. Draft a handwritten letter to a pen pal or a far-flung relative.
29. Plot out an indoor obstacle course.
30. Get coloring!
31. Hopscotch!
32. Throw an impromptu dance party.
33. Fold airplanes.
34. Switch it up: Kids dress like parents, and parents like kids.
35. Press flowers and leaves between sheets of wax paper; then iron.
36. Fill and decorate a time capsule in a shoe box.
37. Play hot potato.
38. Trace your shadow on the asphalt with chalk.
39. Jump in a pile of leaves: Make leaf angels.
40. Adorn your bike with streamers or stickers.
41. Dance with a balloon; don't let it touch the floor.
42. Play mirror and mimic your partner's actions.
43. Toss Ping-Pong balls into an egg carton.
44. Make water and food coloring "potions" —with a parent's permission!
45. Play leapfrog.
46. Draw a map of your neighborhood.
47. Do the limbo!
48. Pretend to be a lion tamer with a Hula-hoop.
49. Cartwheel contest: Who can do the most?
50. Create a stuffed animal zoo and make "habitats" in different rooms.